12 reasons, My Work is different

Find out how my designed and developed WordPress themes can help you in getting more business and ranking high in SERPs

Lead Generation

Spotlight on Lead Generation &
Conversion Rate

A good design is no good if its not helping you get more business from your website. When I am designing a website I focus completely on lead generation and conversion of visitors into customers that results in more business for my clients.

Time Load Optimization

Built For Speed,
Load Time Below 1 Second

Speed and load time is critical to success of a website, that's why I put special emphasis on automatic image compression and lean, lightweight and easy to manage code. Average load time for my themes is below 1 second. Here's a demo :)

Quality Checklist

Website Quality &
On-Page SEO Checklist

With 8 years of experience in designing and developing WordPress themes I have put together an extensive Website Quality & On-Page SEO Checklist with 200+ points. Each website I do, I make sure that it passes the checklist.

Wordpress Security

WordPress Security

Are you afraid of getting your website hacked? If answer is yes then you should have a look at my personally developed WordPress security checklist. I use of this long checklist to make my client websites as secure as WordPress can be.

SEO Optimized

SEO Optimized &
Semantic Coding

Do you want higher search engine rankings? That is not possible without SEO optimized semantic code. When coding my client websites, I always make sure that my code is completely Semantic and optimized for Search engines.

Mobile Friendly

Fully Mobile Responsive &
Retina Ready

Your new site will look fantastic on all devices and all screen sizes. I will make it 100% responsive and retina ready. Name the device and I have got you covered. Click here to have a look on my sample theme that is fully responsive.

WordPress Coding standards

WordPress Coding

WordPress Coding standards help avoid common coding errors, improve the readability of code, and simplify modification. I always follow these standards so that anyone will be able to understand my code and modify it as needed.

Fully Customizeable Backend

Ease of Use &
Fully Customizeable Backend

I spend a extra time crafting backend experience. I make use of WordPress Shortcodes, Custom Widgets and Custom Post Types that makes editing your WordPress website as easy as editing a Word Document. Check out admin demo of my sample project.

Local Seo Schema Markup

Optimized for Local SEO,
The Schema Markup

I will keep Local SEO factors in consideration when coding your website. I will also add schema markup that helps the search engines in returning more informative results for users. Click here to view schema markup of my sample project.


W3C Validation &

To make my client websites future-proof and easy to maintain, I always take good care of W3C validation and compliance. Check out my sample WordPress theme that has fully valid HTML & CSS. HTML Validation Sample, CSS Validation Sample.

Plugin Interegetion

Famous Plugins Integration &
CSS Styles

My wordpress themes have built-in integrations and css styles for top wordpress plugins. For example if you install famous contact form 7 plugin. The form will be properly styled matching your theme design. It will not appear broken.

Pixel Perfect

Pixel Perfect &
Cross Browser Compatible

My WordPress themes are pixel perfect, they match exactly with the design files whether you provide the design files or I design it for you. Apart from that they also look great in all major browsers running on various operating systems.

Like What You See? Let's Connect & Get Started on Your Project