Law Offices of David Azizi

A modern online presence and a lead generation system for a Los Angeles based attorney.

Services Provided

  • WordPress Design
  • Theme Development
  • Leadgen system
  • On-Page / Local SEO

Final Results

  • 53% more leads
  • Reduced bounce rate
  • New & modern look
  • First page ranking


Law offices of David Azizi is a Los Angeles based law firm that has been helping accident victims, vigorously representing their interests against the parties responsible for their injuries. David was looking for a redesign of his old website so he reached out to me through a friend.

The Problem

In initial review of the old website I found a lot of issues with it and proposed them a solution based on that. In my review I found that the design was completely outdated. The website was looking like a personal blog instead of a professional website of an attorney.

There were no trust building elements being used and it was lacking clear calls to action. The website was ranking good enough but there was a room of SEO improvement. Old website was mobile friendly but that was not good enough to engage mobile visitors.

The old website was not showcasing the services and case studies in an effective way to build confidence among visitors. The backend of the website had similar condition and it was outdated and not user-friendly.

The Old Website

The Goal

I identified the following goals for the new redesigned website:

  • Update website design and user experience.
  • Educate visitors and highlight “No Win No Fees” policy of David Azizi.
  • Implement a proper lead generation system to generate new leads.
  • Track successful sign ups of visitors coming from all traffic sources.
  • Showcase all services offered by Law Offices of David Azizi.
  • Showcase and highlight success rate and major case verdicts.
  • Provide answers to common questions asked by possible clients.
  • Optimize new website to rank high in search results (Google, Yahoo and Bing).
  • Optimize website for faster load time and make it mobile friendly.
  • Give current and potential clients the means to connect with firm easily.
  • Increases the number of new enquiries coming from the website.

Apart from these overall website goals I also defined some target audience specific goals and solution which is explained below in target audience section.


To better understand what is working for other attorneys I researched a lot of attorney websites and took notes of all good and bad points. It helped me in defining my direction. It became clear what should be done and what should be avoided to make the new website a success. I also researched some competitor websites from our target area that is Los Angeles.

Various Competitor Websites
Various Competitor Websites

Target Audience

I defined accident victims who are looking for legal advice and are from Los Angeles as our target audience.

Needs & Requirements:

  • Get trustable legal advice after an incident.
  • Get legal consultation and hire an attorney.
  • Get information on legal processes and services offered.
  • Get easy access to opening hours, location details and contact details of the firm.

The Solution:

I recommended development of a completely new website, built from scratch, with a custom design to put special emphasis on lead generation and trust building.

The website will be designed to:

  • Provide the visitors legal advice and consultation they can trust.
  • Help visitors understand how the legal process works.
  • Encourage the visitors to contact the firm for legal advice and consultation.
  • Provide answers to common legal questions asked by visitors.
  • Showcase different legal services and case types served.
  • Showcase and highlight major verdicts and client successes.
  • give the visitors all information they need while they are in research mode and convince them to hire the firm for their legal needs.


After finalizing target audience goals and client requirements, I started working on design.

Focus on lead generation and conversion rate

David Azizi was not satisfied with performance of his old website. He wanted a website that can generate business for him. For that reason, I focused my design efforts on implementing a proven lead generation system.

The Old Website


I started the design process with creating wireframes first. They helped me in validating various home page layouts, call to actions and lead generation forms, without spending time on colors scheme and typography.

The Old Website

Color Scheme

I was asked to keep the old logo so I derived color scheme from it but I played around with various shades of blue and golden until I found a winner color scheme.




For typography, I selected a modern sans-serif font that I used throughout the website for body text. For headings I choose a bold but complimentary sans-serif and the combination turned out great.

Font Families

Heading Font
Body Font

Final Outcome

Final result of the design process was great, have a look below

Home Page Design


I developed the website on WordPress CMS. I spent extra time crafting the back-end experience that makes editing the website as easy as editing a word document.

Page Speed Optimization & W3C Validation

I minified the code, optimized all images, leveraged browser caching, reduced server response time and passed W3C validation test. All that effort resulted in super-fast website.

SEO Optimization and Schema Markup

I completely optimized the website for search engines using semantic coding and considering all on page SEO factors. I also used Schema Markup to help achieve higher search ranking.

WordPress Security & Coding Standards

I used my WordPress security checklist to make the website as secure as WordPress could be. I also took good care of official WordPress coding standards.

Website Quality and On-Page SEO

With 8 years of experience in building WordPress websites, I have built an extensive website quality and SEO checklist. I used the checklist to further perfect the website.

That's not all, I have a complete list of things that I take special care of when developing WordPress websites. Click here to find out.


The new website brought in great results for the client. Some of them are highlighted below:

  • It’s looking great, modern and providing better user experience.
  • It’s generating more leads and the phone is ringing all the time.
  • It’s started to rank high in search engine for Los Angeles specific keywords.
  • Load time of the website is below 1 second.
  • Number of incoming enquiries from the website has increased.
  • Bounce rate of the website is also reduced and it’s engaging visitors.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed working with David Azizi and team in re-designing and re-building their website. I enjoyed everything from planning till going live with the new website. Now that the new website is live and generating results for the client, I’m really happy with the outcome of the project.

12 Reasons, Why My Wordpress Websites Are a Cut Above the Rest