About Me

I am a WordPress Designer, WordPress Developer, WordPress Consultant, All Around WordPress Ninja

I was born and raised in beautiful Pakistan and currently reside in Lahore. I dropped out of college to pursue my passion for web and online world.

I started working as a freelance WordPress designer & developer when I was 22. I learned all things WordPress and polished my skills over the next couple of years. Today, I’m still in my 20s and I lead a team of passionate of WordPress designers and developers at my WordPress agency.

Over past 7+ years, I have combined my expertise of WordPress, Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization to help a variety of clients get more business from their websites. I have designed and developed them WordPress websites that are not only looking good but they are also turning their visitors into leads and customers.

I can be your technical partner, understanding your goals and assembling the right solution with a focus on speed, performance, usability, and scalability. My deep technical knowledge and experience can help you avoid common issues and costly mistakes.

I Live & Breathe WordPress, My WordPress Experience In Numbers

Years of WordPress Experience
WordPress Themes Designed
WordPress Themes Coded
Clients In WP Maintenance
Clients I Have Worked With
Lines of Clean Code Written

Full-Service WordPress Professional

I do all things WordPress including theme design, theme development, usability & quality audits, website maintenance & consultation.

WordPress Design

I design all kinds of WordPress websites whether its a one Page website or a full featured Ecommerce or a Corporate website. I also design commercial WordPress themes.

WordPress Development

I do a lot of PSD to WordPress projects, I love converting designs to fully functioning websites. I also have experience of developing themes for WordPress theme repository.

WordPress Maintenance

Its not over after a website is launched, I take on the on-going WordPress support and maintenance like theme and plugin updates, daily backups and uptime monitoring etc.

WordPress Consultation

I do website audits based on my 200+ points checklist that includes website health, SEO, security, performance, code quality, WordPress coding standards and a lot more.

Expertise & Skill-set

I live and breath WordPress. Following are some of the things I’m super good at.

What Am I Really Good At:

  • Designing and developing responsive WordPress websites and themes
  • Developing custom WordPress themes / PSD to HTML & WordPress
  • Designing and developing commercial WordPress themes
  • Designing and developing custom WooCommerce themes & websites
  • Re-Desinging existing websites for better conversion rate
  • Optimizing WordPress websites for performance & faster load time
  • Performing WordPress audits & reviews for overall website quality
  • Optimizing WordPress websites for higher SERP rankings (On-Page SEO)
  • WordPress maintenance, on-going care of your WordPress website
  • Customizing & improving existing websites for better ROI

Software Knowledge:

I am good with all modern day softwares and technologies in WordPress arena and I keep improving on these skills day after day.

  • Photoshop95%
  • Illustrator75%
  • Axure85%
  • Dreamweaver90%
  • HTML / CSS95%
  • Javascript / jQuery85%
  • PHP / SQL90%
  • WordPress125%
  • Google Analytics80%
  • Google Adwords75%
  • SEO / SEM95%
  • Cooking80%
  • Body Building50%
  • Football85%
  • Coffee Drinking100%
  • Ooops
  • Newbie
  • Geek
  • Ninja
  • Assassin
  • Chuk Noris

12 Reasons, Why My Wordpress Websites Are a Cut Above the Rest